速報APP / 家庭 / Vocals, letters and more

Vocals, letters and more





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Republica Dominicana, Santo Domingo, Herrera urb. Olimpo, C/hermes, #37

Vocals, letters and more(圖1)-速報App

This new game, help them identify their babies the basics, such as vowels, numbers, letters, Geometric Figures, Pets & Wild.

   The games contain very beautiful landscapes, iterative sounds for each object, background music and medal awards per level.

   All consist of a finger pressing the required indication, while the objects are kept in motion.

Vocals, letters and more(圖2)-速報App

   Each game contains several levels identified by medals and by moving new items and more will be added to finally get a trophy.

   Children will be entertained memory and acquire skills. While parents help them make the request.

   Games contain the first steps that children need for their education. Children over three (3) years.

Vocals, letters and more(圖3)-速報App

1. Members

2. Letters (Alphabet).

3. Numbers.

Vocals, letters and more(圖4)-速報App

4. Figures geometries.

5. And Animals.

   It contains games with chalkboard vocal, number and letters.

Vocals, letters and more(圖5)-速報App

   All levels are open to play as you wish.

    Ads containing at least one leaving.

   The game can even help adults starting with a new language, Spanish or English.

Vocals, letters and more(圖6)-速報App

   Example of use ..

   The game animals:

   By identifying the animal this will be presented in a dialogue, his image will movements and sounds of the animal, helping the child to familiarize Animal picture and sound ...

Vocals, letters and more(圖7)-速報App

   The game of letters and vowels contains several types of letters (uppercase, lowercase, and italics) you can select a button

  They have a nice experience with this iterative game.

  Remember that your opinion is important to us, so we can shape the game to your liking.

Vocals, letters and more(圖8)-速報App